Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This was supposed to be fun. But every time I log on I'm bombarded with the latest liberal-leaning blathering and vilification of all opposing views from a male relative. I'm really thinking about closing my account, but for now I've "hidden" his comments from my page. That should make checking in with my other relatives more fun, and make it easier to stick to my 5 minute rule.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Spring has sprung with all it's unpredictability. We've already had a big hailstorm, a slightly typical light dusting of snow, and some days roaring into the high 70's & 80's, then dipping down into the 40's & 30's.
This spring we've added something new to our little home & school, a plot at the community garden. We're beginning the planning, and planting will be sure to follow! A concentration on veggies with some flowers for Katie for the Fair are what we know so far. More to come.