Thursday, February 24, 2011

Small successes this week

I really need to remind myself when something in my week goes well, here goes:
1. I finished the lesson plans before Monday morning(a miracle, since I usually finish them sometime after lunch on Mondays.)
2. I baked fresh bread for the kids two days this week.
3. Today, I mailed a birthday present to my nephew, and his birthday isn't for two more days yet.

There we go.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Weirdity

I've been wanting to make this list for awhile. First, it's important to note that in my immediate family, none of us share a birthday month, let alone a birthday. Once we started making friends and getting married things started to get weird.
I share a birthday(year and all!) with my friend, Ann.
Katie was born on my grandfather's birthday.
My husband, stepdad, and brother-in-law share a birthday.
My brother's wife and my husband's brother share a birthday.
My other sister-in-law's birthday is my anniversary(which is both Kent State day and Rhode Island independence day).
My friend Marcia's first boy was born on my first boy's 2nd birthday.
Philip's godmother had a baby boy on Philip's first birthday.
Two of my friends had their baby girls on Gabe's first birthday.
My best friend from high school and my best friend from Jr. High have the same birthday.
The Jr. high friend's sister has the same birthday as my other grandfather.
My mom and stepbrother have the same birthday.
My father-in-law shares his birthday with Philip's best friend.
I think there might be more, but these are what I have for now.
I think my sister and her niece(husband's side) share a birthday, and I think my dad shares a birthday with my mom's mother-in-law.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Waiting for the Sun

It's cold here! It's 8 degrees, and it really wasn't much warmer today. It's hard to send your kids outside when there's a wind chill. I usually insist on at least 2o degrees before letting them head outdoors. That sounds pretty strange considering I grew up in California, and not the snowy, mountainous region, either! We're all staying warm, though, and very thankful that our furnace is working!

Friday, February 04, 2011

The longest shortest month

February is a looooooong months for homeschoolers. It doesn't help that this one opened with a blizzard that stranded my darling Clint multiple states away. But, we persevere, trusting that if God called us to do this, he will help us find a way.