Our children are 7, 4, and almost 2. We didn't space them that way, God did. It took me awhile to figure out why. I nursed each of my children to sleep at naptime and bedtime from birth. Most of the magazines told me that was a bad idea. I tried their way once when Katie was a baby. She cried for 45 minutes, even with the checking and comforting--which wasn't comforting to her, apparently. And it felt so WRONG. After she weaned, I sang her to sleep until she was ready to go to sleep on her own. Eric went from nursing to reading. Philip is now weaned and prefers just being held until he's asleep. I thought everyone did these things. But, I have friends and family members who just lay their kids down when they're tired and they just quietly fall asleep. That's it. No tears, no yelling "MOMMY!" at the top of their lungs, nothing. Some of these friends have their kids spaced quite close together. So I thought, maybe our kids are so 2+ years apart so I don't have to help two of them to sleep at the same time. God truly knows my abilities, and gave me my gifts accordingly. It's comforting to know that Someone knows what He's doing. I, on the other hand, still have plenty to learn. For instance, I tried putting Philip down in the play yard with a blanket and a bottle of water half an hour ago. He's been alternating calling my name(not crying, just with an air of, yoo-hoo, I'm still here) with singing and jabbering. That's why we don't have a crib. I'd better take him down to our napping place.
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