Tuesday, January 16, 2007

To Do List

I was looking at my "To Do" list, and at my resolutions for the month. There's a slight conflict. Tomorrow's big task is paying bills, and my top resolution is to speak calmly to the children.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Real Test

So far, this tidiness thing hasn't been too hard. This week will be the clincher, for now. My sweetheart is on his way to Houston(plane to DFW, car the rest of the way due to weather, not sure when he'll arrive) and will be there the whole week. In the past, we've been fortunate to still have a house upon his return. This time, will I be able to welcome him home to order? Stay tuned. Oh, this is the first time he's travelled since the kids that I finished the dishes BEFORE they went to bed and was able to really relax after they were all tucked in. I could get used to this!

Friday, January 05, 2007

It's a new year!

Do you know what today is? Today marks the SECOND week that our family has kept our living areas clean and picked up. We might actually be getting the hang of this. I enjoy staying home now--people could even drop in, and I wouldn't be mortified. Usually I'd make a crack about "it's the little things" when talking about household stuff, but this particular thing isn't little, it's huge--practically a conversion. Really, I'm a clutterholic by nature, but I'm enjoying my tidy new lifestyle. I'm praying for perseverance in this area because a peaceful home is a pleasant place to live out my vocation which can present its own unpleasant moments. I'd better run, I need to put away my books before I turn in.
